Autor |
Small remark on English text |
1 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 31.03.2008 23:05 |
In the summary panel of Security System the following text is displayed:
Zitat | A donation for this project would be very happy and we would be deeply grateful. |
I think it should be something like:
A donation for this project would make us very happy and we would be deeply grateful. |
Autor |
RE: Small remark on English text |
2 # 14
gozoc Co-Admin u. Cheftester

Beiträge: 1047
Ort: Bayern
Eingetreten: 22.09.06 Status: Offline
Eingetragen am 01.04.2008 09:19 |
Many thanks ...
i have changed it in the newstext ...
Puh ... our english is not the best ... and we have a lot of work to translate ;-)
Look here:
It would be our pleasure, if you have "fun" to help us with translation the doc .... :roll
It only a idea .... ;-)
Thanks .... and greetings ... ZOC (CoAdmin) |
Autor |
RE: Small remark on English text |
3 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 12:22 |
Well, English is not my native language, but I like to consider myself reasonably good at it....
I will try to translate the manual to English, and post it here somewhere. It's not my daily work and can't give you an estimate on the day or time that it will be done....
Why not make a sub-forum called "Translations" so members can add their translations? That way you should get a translation done by someone in their native language. |
Autor |
RE: Doc translation English - Settings |
4 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 14:04 |
Here's my first translation...
I translated doc5 (Einstellungen) to English, because i think that is the most important part.
***** English translation ******
Admin :: Settings
The most important part of the Security System obviously is the Settings, which will be explained here.
Only SuperAdministrators can modify the settings!
1. System Settings.
Start Security System?:
Enable or disable the Security System. "Yes" = enabled; "No" = disabled.
Tip: Disable the Security System only when the site is in Maintenance mode.
Control Proxy?
If you want to check if a Proxy enters the site, then you have to enable this setting. This function is required for "Enable Proxy Registration?" and "Enable Proxy Login?".
Enable Proxy Registration?
When disabled, registration of a Proxy is not directly allowed. The Proxy user will be redirected to a separate Proxy page to request the enabling of the Proxy-IP. When the user accepts the rules, the Proxy-IP will be added to the Proxy Whitelist. An Administrator with the "IP" rights finally has to enable the entered Proxy-IP.
WARNING: Always check the IP before enabling, to prevent giving a Hacker access...
Enable Proxy Login?
Same as for Registration, but for Login.
Start Flood control?
When enabled, the system will check every submission for possible Flood attempts.
Flood attempts = The user tries to submit a lot of entries to the database, mostly Spam. These Flood attempts may cause the MySQL-server to crash.
Screenshot "SystemSettings"
2. More Settings.
The Flood Timers.
The Flood Timers set the time in seconds a user has to wait before a new submission is allowed.
You can set every Timer separately.
Lock members automatically?
When enabled, the system will block a user automatically when trying to Flood or Spam. Blocked members can be released only by Administrators. Blocking will occur when the "Flood-Attempts for members" limit is reached.
... Control not for:
These settings allow you to choose which userlevel or usergroup will not be checked on Flood or Spam attempts.
Forum Moderators are integrated in the system and don't have to be defined separately. (ExtBoard compatible)
Display in Panel.
Here you can choose the text or image to display in the Panel. You have to save the settings before the panel is updated.
The values in brackets () are the current active settings.
Screenshot "More Settings"
3. Logs settings (from Version 1.8.2)
Logs for ...
These settings declare which attempts will be added to the logfile.
Automatically Log delete?
To limit the size of the logfile, logfile entries can be automatically removed, depending on one out of two limits. To use these limits, this setting is required.
Maximum log entries in the database.
When the number of entries in the logfile reaches this limit, the logfile table will be cleared.
Valid log entries for.
When the maximum number of logfile entries is not reached, logfile entries which are older than the selected number of days, will be removed.
Screenshot "Logs Settings"
4. PHP-Fusion 6.01.x
Flood Control has been added to PHP-Fusion in version 6.01, but this function is not perfect. It may block the SuperAdministrator. To avoid conflicts with the Flood Control of the Security System, this setting should be set to 0.
Screenshot: "Disable Standard Floodcontrol"
***** End English translation ****** |
Autor |
RE: Small remark on English text |
5 # 14
Silvermoon Webmaster

Beiträge: 698
Ort: 72270 Baiersbronn
Eingetreten: 26.06.06 Status: Offline
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 17:19 |
Thx for your translation we've import it.
Es ist alles eine Frage der Überarbeitung
Content Management System Support |
Autor |
RE: English translation doc6 |
6 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 18:04 |
And here's the English translation of doc6.
**** English translation - Filter list ****
Admin :: Filter list
The Filter list
If you want to improve the protection of your site, the Security System built-in Filter list is just what you need. With the Filter list you can filter all User-agents you don't want to visit your site. Just enter the new User-agent to the list. On installation a number of "Bad User-agents" have already been entered.
If you encounter a problem with members visiting your site, using a filtered User-agent, you can deactivate that filter entry.
But the Filter list as more! You can block User-IP's. You can even block a whole range of IP's. But be careful with that...
Examples for IP-Filters:
1. only the first octet: 123 or 123.
2. The first and second octet: 123.456 or 123.456.
3. The first, second and third octet: 123.456.789 or 123.456.789. (rarely used)
4. The full IP address: 123.456.789.0 (Useless with dynamic IP-addresses)
Use the Proxy-Blacklist for Proxy IP's.
Screenshot "Filter list"
**** End English translation **** |
Autor |
RE: English translation - SpamList |
7 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 21:24 |
And the English text for Spam List:
*** English translation - Spam List ****
Admin :: Spam filter
The Security System Spam Filter.
You can add words to this list which will be considered to be Spam words.
A Number of Spam words have been entered on installation. If you encounter a problem with a word, just remove it from this list.
Tags like <a or should not be entered, because the system has a built-in parser for these codes.
When a Spam word is detected, the message will immediately marked as Spam. The Security System will stop further handling.
IMPORTANT: Be careful with choosing the Spam words. Some words that you consider Spam may be part of a valid word..
Example: ???? (sorry, can't think of any...)
*** End English translation - Spam List **** |
Autor |
RE: Log Entries |
8 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 21:38 |
**** English - Log Entries ****
Admin :: Log Entries
The Log Entries.
This panel shows the list of attempts:
Hack attempts are listed with the attempted String. Mostly attempts to edit something on the server or to upload something.
Spam attempts are listed with the message or text where the Spam was detected. Recognized Spam words are displayed in bold.
Flood attempts are listed with the message that triggered the Flood Control. User-ID or User-IP and the date of the last message are displayed.
Attempts blocked by the Filter List are listed with the IP. By query-string just "User-agent found". The detected User-agent is displayed in the last field.
Proxy attacks are only listed for being successfully blocked, the IP is logged.
Screenshot: "Log Entries"
**** End English - Log Entries **** |
Autor |
RE: Proxy Lists |
9 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 21:56 |
**** English translation - Proxy Lists ****
Admin :: Proxy Lists
The Proxy-White list.
This list contains the Proxy-IP's which are allowed to access your site. You can add a complete IP-address (best choice) or an IP-range.
Only the first octet: 123 or 123. (not safe)
The first and second octet: 123.456 or 123.456. (better, but not safe)
The first, second and third octet: 123.456.789 or 123.456.789. (safe)
Complete IP: 123.456.789.0 (most secure, only this IP has access)
Existing IP's can be enabled, disabled or removed.
Screenshot "Proxy-White list"
The Proxy-Black list.
All Proxy-IP's listed her are denied access to your site. Modify in the same way as the Proxy-White list.
Only the first octet: 123 or 123. (Block the whole IP-Pool)
The first and second octet: 123.456 or 123.456. (Block the limited IP-Pool)
The first, second and third octet: 123.456.789 or 123.456.789. (Block a small part of the IP-Pool)
Complete IP: 123.456.789.0 (Block only this Proxy-IP)
Screenshot: "Proxy-Black list"
**** End English translation - Proxy Lists **** |
Autor |
RE: Blocked Members |
10 # 14
Gelöschter User |
Eingetragen am 03.04.2008 22:04 |
**** English translation - Blocked Members ****
Admin :: Blocked Members
Blocked Members.
If you enabled the function "Lock members automatically?", the locked Members are listed here. To release these members, you have to release them here, not in User-Admin.
You can release multiple Members at a time.
Personally I keep this function disabled, because I think that the Warning will scare the member enough.
**** End English translation - Blocked Members **** |